ADHD Tutoring Programs
Have you ever searched for “ADHD tutoring programs near me?” If so, you may be looking for an ADHD tutoring program that can help your child with ADHD improve their performance at school. An effective ADHD tutoring program can teach your child strategies for developing stronger executive functioning and organizational skills.
Many parents find EBL Coaching by searching for “ADHD tutoring programs near me” since we specialize in helping students with ADHD develop stronger academic and executive functioning skills.
Students with ADHD often struggle with skills such as time management, organization, planning, and task initiation. They might forget to turn in their homework or turn it in late, lose their books and belongings, and have trouble staying organized and on-task. With individualized, one-on-one ADHD tutoring, EBL Coaching can help your child build these key skills, which are essential for success in school.
Specific strategies can be taught with ADHD tutoring programs. For example, your child may develop stronger time management skills and learn to procrastinate less. With the Estimated Time verses Actual Time strategy, students learn to estimate how long they think a task might take to complete and write down the ET, or estimated time. Then they note how long the task actually took to complete and write the AT, or actual time. When students start using this strategy, especially those with poor time management skills, there is often a big gap between the estimated time and actual time. However, the more students use this strategy through an ADHD tutoring program, the more these times will start to merge and the better their time management skills will become.
Another skill your child may develop in an ADHD tutoring program is stronger note taking strategies. There are several different note taking strategies your child might learn, such as outlining, webbing, or column-style note taking. With column-style note taking, your child will learn to draw a vertical line through the middle of their page (or do so using a computer program). They would then write the tile of the lesson at the top of the page, and label the left column “main ideas” and the right column “notes”. When your child is in class listening to a lecture, they should only take notes on the right side of the page, in the notes column. When they come home from school, they should categorize their notes into various main ideas and write the main idea for that section of notes in the left column. This technique helps ensure that your child captured the information from the lecture, took effective notes, and understood the material that was covered. These diagrams also serve as great study guides for upcoming tests.
Many students with ADHD struggle with task initiation and prioritization. They may have several homework assignments to complete and tests to study for but they don’t know where to start. They might jump in and begin working on an assignment that is less important or not due for several weeks and neglect more urgent assignments that may be due the next day or shortly thereafter. ADHD tutoring can help your child learn to prioritize tasks and designate which ones they should complete first and subsequently thereafter, based on the complexity of the assignment and its due date. As students progress through school, the volume of assignments and tests will increase so learning these strategies now through ADHD tutoring can help them tremendously.
With effective ADHD tutoring, your child can learn how to manage their time, stay organized, prioritize their tasks, and stay focused for longer periods of time. When you search for “ADHD tutoring programs near me”, note that EBL Coaching can teach your child how to develop these essential skills and thrive in school.
Learn more about ADHD tutoring programs at ADHD Tutoring Programs - EBL Coaching
Read more about whether your child has ADHD at Wondering if Your Child Has ADHD? - EBL Coaching
Dear Dr. Levy, My son
received an excellent report card. I can’t say enough good things about his EBL
tutor. She has done a tremendous job helping him improve his reading and writing
skills. Most importantly, she is wise and kind. She is always patient with him.
Because of his tutor, my son writes with much more ease.
– Parent