Help Your Child Develop Stronger Executive Functioning Skills
As students move through school, the executive functioning demands increase rapidly. Their school work will typically require stronger executive functioning skills, including planning, organization, task initiation, time management and other related skill areas. Without well-developed executive functioning skills, students may have difficulty excelling in school. Help your child develop stronger executive functioning skills with the ideas detailed below.
Tips for Helping Your Child With Autism Improve Their School Performance by Dr. Emily Levy, Founder & Director, EBL Coaching
Excelling in school can be challenging for students with autism. They often have language, communication, social, and sometimes behavioral difficulties. As a parent, you want your child to do well academically and meet their full potential, but you may not be sure what to do. Try some of the ideas below to help your child with autism thrive in school.
How to Help Your Child With Dyslexia Develop Stronger Writing Skills by Dr. Emily Levy, Founder & Director, EBL Coaching
It is well known that students with dyslexia struggle with reading. They often have difficulty decoding words, reading with proper fluency, and processing information that they read. Yet many students with dyslexia also have difficulty with writing.
Latest National Report Card Says Kids’ Reading Scores Have Hit All-Time Lows
The National Report Card shows a significant number of children have “below basic” reading skills. But why, and what can parents do?