Dyslexia Tutoring Center New York City
Our director Dr. Levy at our dyslexia tutoring center can assess your child's needs and help create a highly individualized dyslexia tutoring program, customized to your child’s profile. We help develop students’ fundamental reading skills by teaching them how to decode and spell words, build stronger reading fluency, and improve their reading comprehension skills.

We specialize in providing diagnostic and prescriptive tutoring plans for each student, including initial academic assessments and expert instruction.
Contact Us or Call (212) 249-0147
Wondering if your child might have dyslexia? Look for these signs.
- You notice your child struggling to sound out words when reading.
- He has difficulty with writing and his reading fluency is very slow.
- His self-esteem is starting to plummet as he compares himself to peers who are excelling in these academic areas.
- You might wonder if your child has dyslexia.
Read below for some grade-specific signs:
Preschool Dyslexia Tutoring
Most preschool-age children are not yet reading or writing. Many have not yet learned to write letters or or recognize sound/letter relationships. Yet early signs of dyslexia can be identified at this young age. Your child might struggle with phonemic awareness, or the ability to hear, recognize, and manipulate sounds in words. For example, rhyming might be a challenge. She may have trouble identifying initial sounds in words (ex: What sound does the word pizza start with?), medial sounds (ex: What is the middle sound you hear in the word hot?), or ending sounds (ex: What is the final sound you hear in the word red?). Try asking your child to say the word “dog” without the /d/ sound or “chop” without the /p/ sound. Struggling with this ability to manipulate sounds in words could be a sign of dyslexia. Furthermore, children with dyslexia might have trouble following directions or coming up with the correct word to describe an object or action.
Dyslexia Tutoring in Elementary School
Middle/High School Testing and Tutoring for Dyslexia
By the time students reach middle school, those with dyslexia have typically already been identified. However, some students develop coping strategies that allow them to “mask” their dyslexia for quite a while. While this masking can often carry them through early grades, many students hit a wall when the reading and writing demands ramp up in middle and high school. You might find that your child’s speed of reading and completing work is very slow. He also may struggle with the simultaneous demands of writing: grammar, mechanics, organization, and spelling, and likely finds very little pleasure in reading. His overall self-esteem is low.
While dyslexia can be a lifelong challenge, for many parents and students, being diagnosed with dyslexia often comes as a relief. They feel better knowing that there is a reason for the constant struggle and that action can be taken to help relieve these challenges. The earlier students receive remediation to address their dyslexia-related struggles, the easier reading and writing will be as they move through school. Specialized methodologies, including the Orton Gillingham technique for decoding and spelling, and similar research-based, multi-sensory techniques for language processing and writing, can help dyslexic students tremendously as they progress through school and face the growing academic demands.