Autism Resource Podcast
Topic: How parents can help their child with autism
Date published: 6/8/23
Listen to the full podcast here
In this podcast, Dr. Levy discusses ways to help children with autism do well in school.
Being a parent to a child with autism can be challenging. These children might be distractable, struggle to communicate, have behavioral challenges, or demonstrate difficulty with transitions. Yet children with autism can have many gifts too – they can be very caring individuals, can have great memories for facts, and are often good rule followers. It is important that you know your child’s strengths and weakness and always advocate to make sure that they receive the most appropriate services.
When your child starts a new school year, set up a meeting with their teacher and any service providers at the beginning of the year. Tell them about your child’s strengths and weaknesses and discuss strategies that have worked well for them and others that have not worked as well. Discuss a plan for regular communication and make it clear that you are fully vested in your child’s success and want to work as a team with them to help foster your child’s growth. Also try to notice how your child learns best. Many students with autism do well with a visual schedule of which activities to anticipate, and students with autism often learn well using a multisensory approach. Discuss the services your child will receive at school. Some students benefit from a shadow teacher to help keep them engaged in class. Others need a behavior plan with strategies in place for if and when they become overwhelmed or demonstrate behavioral challenges. For some students, having one-on-one special education tutoring to build their unique academic needs can make an immense difference in their academic performance. Read more at Organizational Tools for Academic Success – EBL Coaching.
With the right support and services, students with autism have the potential to do well in school. It is important to always be your child’s best advocate and ensure that they are continuously receiving the most appropriate services, both in and out of school.
Read more at Autism – Tips for Parents – Better Health Channel.