Best Resources in NYC for Students with Learning Disabilities
Your child just received a learning disability diagnosis. While this diagnosis may feel like a relief, providing some explanations as to why your child has been struggling academically, it might also feel perplexing. What steps should you take from here? How can you help your child thrive academically given their challenges? Try some of the resources for students with learning disabilities in NYC detailed below.
Advocates for Children
Advocates for Children is a NYC-based nonprofit organization that advocates for an equitable school system where every child can receive the education and support they need to improve their potential to be successful adults. They work with families, including those who have children with special education needs, and offer one-on-one advocacy services, including free legal advice, when looking for the best support for each child. They also offer free workshops for parents to learn about their child’s rights to services at school.
Learn more at www.advocatesforchildren.org
Everyone Reading
Everyone Reading is an organization based in NYC that provides resources and support to individuals with dyslexia and other learning disabilities to help strengthen their reading and writing skills. They have a phone line for families to answer learning disability-related questions, and they also offer support groups and workshops for developing stronger reading and writing skills. Additionally, they host an annual conference in NYC to showcase the latest research on teaching strategies, multisensory techniques, accommodations, assistive technology, and much more.
Learn more at everyonereading.org.
Support at your child’s school
After your child has been evaluated and has received a learning disability diagnosis, they are entitled to receive services and support at school. Reach out to your child’s teacher and guidance counselor and set up a meeting to discuss your child’s needs and the support their school can provide. Your child will likely be given an IEP defining their specific needs and services, and then should be given specific services, like special education tutoring, speech therapy, physical therapy, or other related services. Your child may also receive accommodations like preferential seating, extra time on tests or untimed tests, printed notes, and so on.
EBL Coaching: one-on-one multisensory tutoring
If your child still struggles in school despite receiving these specialized services at school, they may benefit from one-on-one tutoring. EBL Coaching can help your child in grades prek-12 develop stronger academic skills with their individualized, one-on-one multisensory tutoring in reading, spelling, writing, math, and other academic skill areas. Their specialty is providing one-on-one tutoring to students with learning disabilities and ADHD using the Orton Gillingham method. The tutoring services can take place at their Upper East Side learning center, at your home or your child’s school, or virtually.
Learn more at www.eblcoaching.com.
Themba Tutors
Themba Tutors assists students with learning disabilities in developing stronger life skills and helps lead them to success in school. They offer engaging lessons, executive functioning coaching, and study skills development. Themba Tutors helps kids, adults, and professionals build stronger self-esteem, enhanced motivation, stronger focusing skills, and success in school and life. They make home visits throughout the NYC Metro area, providing personalized support in the comfort of your home.
Learn more at thembatutors.com
Roughly 15% of the U.S. population has a learning disability and many go on to be highly successful adults. If your child has a learning disability, there are numerous resources re in NYC that can help them. Try these resources to help your child excel on their path to academic and life success.
Dear Dr. Levy, My son
received an excellent report card. I can’t say enough good things about his EBL
tutor. She has done a tremendous job helping him improve his reading and writing
skills. Most importantly, she is wise and kind. She is always patient with him.
Because of his tutor, my son writes with much more ease.
– Parent