High Tech Strategies for Studying Success
As technology advances, tools for studying and staying organized are moving from old fashioned pen-and-paper to electronic and high tech. Creating hand written flash cards, jotting notes on loose leaf paper, and hand writing essays are becoming tasks of the past. Help your child update his study and organizational habits by using the tech-based options below.
Which Preschool Philosophy Is Right For Your Child?
Understanding the differences between academic and play-based preschool philosophies can help you choose the right program for your child.
How to Boost Your Child’s Reading Readiness Skills
For some students, learning to read comes naturally. Through exposure to language and books, they figure out how to combine sounds to form words and recognize key sight words. Other students need a systematic approach for learning sound-letter relationships and blending.
Study Skills For Success This School Year
With the new school year in full swing, homework, studying, and afterschool demands are rapidly rising. Help your child stay on top of his workload with the techniques detailed below.