The 5 Best Reading Apps
Many of us find ourselves sitting in the waiting room of a doctor’s office or in the lounge of an airport, looking for activities to do with our children. Rather than having them grab your phone or iPad and play with mindless, non-educational games, why not reinforce their reading development with some great reading-specific apps? Five of my favorites are described below.
Build Your Child’s Reading Fluency Skills
Many children struggle to read “quickly, accurately, and with proper expression” – essentially the definition of reading fluency. In order for your child to truly comprehend information that he or she reads, fluent reading is essential.
Building Pre-Reading Skills
For those of you with children who are in pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten, phonemic awareness is a key skill you should emphasize for future reading success.
New York Family Pick Article — Expert Tips
When your child reads, can he identify topics, main ideas, and supporting details? Can he summarize what is read in his own words? Is he able to organize his thoughts into well-written sentences and paragraphs? Does he feel confident when taking tests?