Preparing for Kindergarten
Sounding out simple words and correctly writing letters are paramount skills to Kindergarten success. With a solid foundation in each of these skills, students will have the early tools they need for excelling in school. Yet not all preschools emphasize these skills, and not all children even attend preschool. As a parent, there are several techniques you can do at home to help your child build these core skills. Grab some note cards, markers, colored sand, and a cookie sheet – and read below for some fun, engaging, and of course educational activities that you can do at home.
How to Take Effective Class Notes
Taking effective notes can be a challenging task for almost all students. They must listen to their instructor, process the information, and organize their notes on paper, while remembering to include the key details. Even the most gifted of students can feel overwhelmed by this process. Learning strategies for organizing information that they both hear and read can help students excel academically.
Strategies for Study Success: Time Management
As students progress through school, learning to manage their time becomes increasingly important. They begin to have many more tests to study for, essays to write, projects to complete, and homework assignments to turn in. While some students are naturally able to manage these tasks well, all students can benefit from concrete time management strategies.
ADHD Tutoring
Students with ADHD often have difficulty with time management, organization, planning, and studying for exams. They might complete assignments but forget to turn them in, lose papers and notebooks, and have backpacks that resemble danger zones. ADHD tutoring can help students develop tools and strategies for strengthening these skills. ADHD tutoring typically involves creating an individualized instructional plan that is …