Special Ed Tutoring
Special ed tutoring can help your child with specialized learning needs develop stronger academic skills. These skills might include reading, writing, math, study, and organizational skills.
Special ed tutoring uses a specialized approach to teaching that is individualized to your child’s needs. Your child will likely be evaluated first to assess their academic levels and areas of need. Some children need help with reading, while others need assistance with writing, math, or study skills, and some need help with a combination of these skills. It is important that special ed tutoring is always customized to your child’s specific and unique needs.
Special ed tutoring for reading can help your child develop stronger decoding, reading fluency, and reading comprehension skills. One technique that is highly effective with special ed tutoring is the Orton Gillingham method. This technique is research-based and multisensory, and is designed to help your child develop stronger decoding skills. Your child may begin at the foundational level, learning individual letters and their corresponding sounds, and how to blend those sounds together to form words. They may then move onto more complex word patterns, learning to decode and spell words with blends, consonant digraphs, vowel digraphs, silent e patterns, r-controlled words, and various multi-syllabic word patterns. They may also be taught specific Orton Gillingham spelling rules with special ed tutoring. Students may learn spelling rules such as the ck/k rule, which indicates that if a word ends with the sound /k/, the student should use ck if the sound comes right after a short vowel. Otherwise, they should use use k. They might also learn the tch/ch rule tell us that if a word ends with the sound /ch/, the student should use tch if the sound comes right after a short vowel. Otherwise, they should use ch. The dge/ge rule teaches a student that if a word ends with the sound /j/, the student should use dge if the sound comes right after a short vowel. Otherwise, they should use ge. Special ed tutoring can teach students other similar rules to help develop their spelling skills.
To develop reading comprehension skills, special ed tutoring might entail teaching your child active reading strategies. For example, they might learn to identify the topic, main idea, and important details when reading and highlight them using three different colors. The topic is typically one, two, or three words describing the passage, and it should be highlighted in blue. The main idea is what the author is saying about the topic, and it should be highlighted in green. The important details are salient facts or pieces of information from the passage that should be highlighted in yellow. This type of strategy used in special ed tutoring can help your child become an active, rather than a passive reader, and develop stronger reading comprehension skills.
With special ed tutoring, your child can also develop stronger writing skills. They should learn to always brainstorm, write, and self-check their thoughts on paper in an organized fashion. With special ed tutoring, they might start by learning how to write a well-structured sentence and then move onto writing simple paragraphs, extended paragraphs, and five paragraph essays. They might learn to self-check their work using a checklist like COPS, which stands for capitalization, organization, punctuation, spelling.
For math, special ed tutoring can help your child build stronger math computation and word problem solving skills. They may learn to break down word problems with special ed tutoring, moving from language to arithmetic and back to language. For example, they might learn to read a word problem, circle the key words, then then break the problem into four steps: thought, or which operation is being used; relevant information; number sentence, and solution sentence.
At EBL Coaching, for our special ed tutoring, we use research-based, multisensory techniques, including the Orton Gillingham method, to help your child develop and strengthen their academic skills. Our special ed tutoring is highly effective in helping students feel confident and successful in school.
Learn more about special ed tutoring programs at ADHD Tutoring Programs - EBL Coaching and Orton Gillingham Tutors NYC and NJ - EBL Coaching