It is well known that students with dyslexia struggle with reading. They often have difficulty decoding words, reading with proper fluency, and processing information that they read. Yet many students with dyslexia also have difficulty with writing.
Latest National Report Card Says Kids’ Reading Scores Have Hit All-Time Lows
The National Report Card shows a significant number of children have “below basic” reading skills. But why, and what can parents do?
5 Mid-Year Tips for School Success
With the school year halfway complete, your child may be starting to coast. They might have started the school year off on a strong note, only to slowly lose focus, motivation, and organization. Help your child have a GREAT second half of the school year with the ideas detailed below.
Executive Functioning Strategies for Your Child
Students with ADHD typically have many strengths. They are often very bright and excel at thinking critically and solving complex problems. However, they tend to struggle significantly with their executive functioning skills, including planning, organization, time management, and task initiation. As students progress through school, these executive functioning skills become increasingly important. Furthermore, weak executive functioning skills can negatively affect one’s self-esteem. Help your child with ADHD develop stronger executive functioning skills with the ideas detailed below.